июнь 05, 2024 2 min read
Tri-tip, a unique boomerang-shaped cut of beef, is renowned for its delicious flavor, especially when smoked or reverse seared. However, its tenderness hinges significantly on how it's sliced due to the two distinct grain directions within the cut. Missteps in slicing can turn a beautifully cooked steak into a tough and chewy meal. Here's a guide to mastering the art of slicing tri-tip to ensure every bite is tender and flavorful.
The tri-tip cut contains two intersecting grain directions. About half of the steak features vertical fibers, while the other half has fibers at an angle. Identifying these grain directions before cooking is crucial for proper slicing.
By following these steps, you can ensure that your tri-tip is always tender and flavorful, making you the hero of any barbecue gathering. Practice these techniques and enjoy the compliments that come with mastering the art of slicing tri-tip.
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