How to Make Perfect Traeger Smash Burgers

июнь 20, 2024 2 min read

How to Make Perfect Traeger Smash Burgers

Smashed burgers are a culinary delight that elevates the traditional burger experience with their thin, juicy, and crispy edges. Unlike conventional thick patties, smashed burgers are pressed thin on a hot griddle, maximizing the surface area for a beautifully browned crust, thanks to the Maillard reaction. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to prepare and cook these delicious burgers.

The Essentials of Smashed Burgers

What Makes Smashed Burgers Special? Smashed burgers are distinct because they are thinner and cooked at higher heat compared to regular burgers. This allows for quicker and more even cooking, resulting in a crispy exterior while retaining juiciness inside.

Preparing the Patties

  1. Decide on Single or Stacked Patties: Single patties are typically 4-5 ounces, while stacked patties can be 2-3 ounces each for more crispy edges.
  2. Form Balls, Not Patties: Start by rolling the meat into tight balls for better smashing.
  3. Season Generously: Use simple seasonings like salt and pepper, or try a burger rub or porcini powder for extra flavor.

Cooking the Burgers

  1. Heat Your Griddle: A flat top grill or cast-iron pan is ideal. Ensure it’s well-oiled and preheated to medium-high heat.
  2. Smash the Patties: Place the meat balls on the hot griddle and smash them thin using a weighted press or a heatproof flat surface, optionally using parchment paper to prevent sticking.
  3. Flip and Cook: Let the patties cook undisturbed for a couple of minutes, then scrape and flip them to ensure all crispy bits are included. Top with cheese if desired and let it melt.

Serving Suggestions

  1. Toast the Buns: Place buns cut side down on the griddle until lightly browned. Brioche or potato rolls are recommended.
  2. Stacking: Multiple patties can be stacked for more flavor layers.
  3. Toppings: Popular options include thinly sliced onions, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, sautéed mushrooms, and condiments like mustard, mayo, or ketchup.

Expert Tips for Perfect Smashed Burgers

  1. Use High-Fat Beef: An 80/20 blend ensures juiciness and prevents drying out.
  2. Preheat Thoroughly: A ripping hot griddle is essential for proper searing.
  3. Scrape Well: Ensure you scrape all the crispy bits for maximum flavor.

What to Serve with Smashed Burgers Complement your smashed burgers with sides like corn on the cob, fries, tater tots, grilled sweet potato planks, smoked coleslaw, or crispy Brussels sprouts.


  1. Griddle Temperature: Medium-high heat is optimal.
  2. Beef Choice: High-fat content beef, at least 80/20.
  3. Patty Size: 4 ounces for single patties or 2-3 ounces for stacked patties.

By following these steps and tips, you can create mouthwatering smashed burgers that are crispy on the edges and juicy inside, providing a delightful eating experience. Enjoy experimenting with different toppings and sides to make your perfect smashed burger meal.

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